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I started having back pains almost 33 years ago when my daughter’s head was turned as she was trying to be born. I was in labor for 27 hours. I was told by doctors there was nothing they could do but give me a back brace to wear 24 hours a day for relief…My back was just getting worse over the last year. I was having to get up every hour during the night and lie on the cold kitchen floor for relief…After being on the machine, I started being able to walk more and sleep longer. I feel much better. It has made a great difference in my life.”
– Laura

“After four years of pain in my legs and lower back and several different doctors’ advice that didn’t help, I had to ‘learn to live with the pain’. I had tried physical therapy, medications, a pain clinic, shots, etc., but was still experiencing daily pain…I tried this with some doubt. For the first time in years I can now enjoy days without back pain.I especially like feeling healthier as this treatment is natural, using vitamins and exercise, instead of medicines.”

– Patient

“I have had my back problem for many years. In the past, I have tried other chiropractors and had some relief. After 6 weeks of treatments, I no longer have the leg numbness and I am pain free.”

– Patient

“My condition was created by lifting bundles of shingles onto a roof. After approximately 5 years of enduring the pain and loss of push-off in my right foot, I had considered surgery as a possible solution; but then I heard an advertisement on 95FM. After consulting with the doctor, I decided to try the machine rather than surgery. The procedure started to improve my strength and reduced the numbness on the bottom of my right foot. I have seen a good improvement and am very satisfied, and would do this again, if necessary.”

– Patient

To those who are blessed to have found this treatment,

I am nearly 42 and have had many back and neck problems since I was 16. The most recent problem had been my worst. In September of 2001 I felt a severe muscle pull in my lower back during a round of golf. It was so intense that I was almost unable to walk after the round. I went to my M.D. and he prescribed muscle relaxers and bed rest for 2-3 weeks. My back remained sore throughout the winter and in January of 2002 it flared up again. I went back to my M.D. and he prescribed the same medication. But instead of getting better in 2-3 weeks I was much worse. By February I could not walk and I was in unbearable pain. My M.D. prescribed a double dose of medication but I continued to get worse. By April an MRI was ordered and a bulging disc was found to be pressing on my sciatic nerve. My left leg was in extreme pain. I was referred to the neurosurgery department.

The prospect of surgery on my back filled me with fear so I now decided to try chiropractic. But after three weeks of almost daily manipulation and adjustments I was no better. I began to feel hopeless, not only physically but also emotionally and mentally.

But needlessly to say there is always hope. My wife heard a commercial on the radio about Dr. John Lubecki and the decompression method. She made an appointment for the next day, Thursday May 22 at 9 a.m. Dr. Lubecki’s approach was unlike anything I had ever seen. He only very gently adjusted my upper neck and then placed me on the decompression device. This 30-minute treatment was great and I left the office by noon and three hours later 80% of the pain was gone. I arrived home at about half past five and everyone in my family was amazed at how straight I looked. I asked for a second treatment on Friday. Today is Monday and I am 100% pain free. I am so joyful and jubilant at what happened, wife has her husband back and my five children have their father back. Thank you Dr. Lubecki for your dedication and healing.



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